Greetings all!
The long awaited Console patch is now live on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. This is the same as the PC patch that went live a little while ago, with some additions focused on console specifics. We hope these changes have a positive impact on your experience with Gord, and look forward to hearing what you all think!
Check out the full patch notes below:
New features
- Resume work – introduced new action on the controller (L3 / LS) that makes selected Subjects resume their assigned work.
- Highlighting newly discovered Points of Interests – a colored outline is now briefly visible on every interactive object that is being reavealed from the Fog of War. Color of the highlight is representing the type of object that is being revealed and follows color scheme used for minimap.
- New status icons above Subjects heads – two new types of status icons were introduced to the game. First one indicates that Subject fully regenerated their Sanity/Health/Faith when assigned to appropriate structure. Second one notifies that Subject cannot continue working as resource that they are gathering is no longer present in visited area.
- Item counter – number of items equipped by the Subject is now visible in their items tab.
- Additional accessibility options – added yellow subtitles on black background as accesibility option for cutscenes.
Tweaks and updates
- Improved the way order queue works. Right now Subject will move to the next order in the queue after fully regenerating Health in Balia or Sanity in Meadery. Also amount of ongoing orders that stops order que was significantly reduced.
- Improved Subject’s navigation through the map.
- Improved algorythm for selecting Automatic Gathering Ranages.
- Improved general game performance.
- Improved camera speed and acceleration.
- Updated several Guide videos.
- Outposts, Rattlesnakes and fireflies can now be built on top of resources and small points of interests (flowers, etc.).
- Pile of gold treasure is now marked on minimap.
- Name of unit that died is visible on pop-up screen.
- Minor updates to Game Credits.
- Voiced warnings now have longer cooldown between them.
- Text of items requirements is now coloured.
- Last objective in Custom Scenario is now marked with goblet icon – the same way as last objective for campaign mission.
- Improved level design in fourth campaign mission to make it easier to place outpost near iron deposits.
- Improved camera angle when setting up patrolling route.
- Warriors and Scouts no longer go to idle state outside of the Palisade.
- Audio levels for various areas of the game were balanced.
- Scorpion structure can now target enemies that stand by the palisade.
- Dropped bags with items are maked now on the level by beam of light.
- Gamepad improvements for building your palisade.
- Improvements added for overlapping and misaligned UI elements using a gamepad for XBOX and PS5.
- Rumble effect on gamepad pressing when ‘back’ functionality is now disabled.
- Rumble disabled when using mouse and keyboard for PC.
- Saves now have focus in the save menu .
- Rebalanced Resources regenreration time, so the Player is pushed more towards exploring the map in search of new resources.
- Rebalanced amount of experience children are getting from assiting adults during their work. Right now it’s much more beneficial.
- Horror challenges were rebalanced to give the player more time to fullfill them.
- Knock out and Death timers on subjects were significantly extended.
- Rebalanced consequences for Side Quests and trade off choices to be more impactfull.
- Palisade Extension, Temple level III and Spear Hall are now unlocked starting from fifth campaign scenario.
- Increased amount of construction slots for Storehouse, Meadery and Balia.
- Introduced more variety of Points of Interests across Campaign missions.
- Balanced amount of Clay, Iron and Gold in Custom Scenarios.
- Rebalanced difficulty of Svarog enemies in fifth campaing scenario.
- Rebalance godray incantation.
- Atack angles were balanced and improved for all enemies.
- Rebalanced combat with horrors to make it more challenging.
- Rebalanced Leyin plague to be more impactful.
- Timers for raids in the campaign were tweaked.
- Rebalanced combat to last longer.
- Burial Grounds structure is now available in first Campaign mission.
- Trading post gets resources regenerated each month.
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem where Sanity was still drained from knocked down Subject on Campain maps.
- Fixed problem where inventory of Merchant was reloded on every interaction.
- Fixed problem where the Player was not able to interact with Libera in “Facing Death” Campaign map.
- Fixed problem were status icons were permanently dispalyed over Subject’s heads.
- Fixed multiple issues with Save System.
- Fixed multiple issues with localization in all supported languages.
- Fixed multiple issues of Subjects stopping gathering or guarding after cinematics.
- Fixed multiple issues with game UI.
- Fixed problem where some units were not running away when reaching 0 Sanity after Mental Affliction.
- Fixed issue where Player was not able to interact with spceific Points of Interest connected with Libera Horror Challenge side quest.
- Fixed an issue where children joining the Gord as a result of Trade of Choice were not aging.
- Fixed an issue where Subjects in Balia were no longer functional after structure was destroyed as a result of Ativar plague.
- Fixed issue with incnatation Panel not being properly blocked during frst Campaign mission “Arrival”.
- Fixed multiple issues with modifiers not being properly dispalyed in Modifiers tab in Info Panel.
- Fixed issues with Aitwar Challenge.
- Fixed issue with Leyin not moving during combat.
- Fixed issue with enemies not levelving after Blood Moon event.
- Fixed issue with screen sometimes remaining blured after closing pop-ups.
- Fiexd issue with “A Moment of Meditation” Side Quest that couldn’t be completed if the quest started for a unit that had over 250 faith.
- Fixed multiple stability issues.
- Fixed issue with unit beng stuck after constructing Axe Pit.
- Fixed issue with player being able to start repairing structure without sufficient funds.
- Fixed inifite camera movement when movement button was pressed while oppeing Pause menu or after cutscene ended.
- Fixed multiple issues with camera going outside of level borders.
- Fixed issues with blood splatters not visible on the terrain during winter.
- Fixed multiple issues with icon inside pointer not changing based on context.
- Fixed multiple issues with status icons being stuck above Subjects heads.
- Fixed issue where Player was not able to select and fight with Wormlings.
- Fixed bug where afflictions were not moved from one Campaign scenario to the other.
- Fixed bug where Forager’s Hut and Archery Range were not properly rotated to the center of the Gord during placing.
- Fixed issue with player being unable to finish side quest “Secret Door” in nineth campaign scenario.
- Fixed Incorrect grammar and formatting for Rich Prescence on Xbox.
- Fixed missing text issues for both Xbox and PS5.
- Fixed the issues if the player accesses the Growth Tree via the Building Wheel at the start of MQ2 avoids a softlock.
- Fixed issue where structure shields are displayed all the time after one use of construction panel while playing on the gamepad.
- Fixed the issue where some of the guide unlocks are missing after doing a Save Upgrade.
- Fixed the notification for storage capacity issues that keeps appearing and disappearing constantly when full storage is reached in any category.
- Fixed the issue when subtitles do not disappear after toggling the option on to off mid cinematic.
- Localisation improvements in UI and UX for Xbox and PS5.
- Fixed the issue when turning “Always show building indicators” off only works with the most recently constructed building.
- Fixed issue with units in large groups stuggling to move in mission 8.
- Fixed issue with reset to default confirmation screen was not in focus which resulted in a softlock
- Fixed issues where unable to load a save before navigating away