Hey Xbox Golfers! We want to thank you for your patience whilst we’ve been investigating an FPS drop issue for Golf With Your Friends.

We’ve determined that this issue was introduced by a Unity upgrade, which removed support for the backwards compatibility features for Xbox Series, specifically the ‘FPS Boost’ feature. This feature allowed Xbox One-era titles to run at higher framerates by adjusting the GPU timings. After this Unity upgrade, Golf With Your Friends is considered ‘Xbox Series Compatible’  on Microsoft platforms.

We understand your frustrations but want to reassure you that this is a priority for us to fix! We are in the process of working with Microsoft to find an alternative solution to this issue. Thanks again for your patience and when we have a fix, we’ll update the community on our GWYF social channels.


If you run into any bugs in Golf With Your Friends, please get in contact with our support team here: https://www.team17.com/support/

Keep up to date with GWYF ⛳

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