Dear Protectors of the Light,

Together we stand against the Darkness, but individually we have our own strengths and weaknesses, in this exciting update we bring you Factions which will be rallied by our Heroes.
Edwin leads the charge of The Order, Aelis the fearless leader of The Rebellion and Vizargo taking the helm of the shadowy Volatists.

Each Faction will have different starting Units as well as different stats and buffs to play to their unique strengths within the world. To give each Faction a unique look and appearance, Units and Buildings have been given Faction specific signals and colouring. But this is only the beginning of how Factions will look on the journey towards v1.0.

We know our brave defenders of the realm want to know more about the Nightmares they are fighting against, so to aid in the battle the Veil has granted you a blessing! You can select an Enemy to see all their stats along with their unit description to help you strategize on how you tackle them.

As the time passes you will need more valiant fighters to keep the Veil from creeping in, so keep your eyes peeled as this is not the end for what we have planned… new champions will rise.

As always please continue to report bugs to our Steam forums or in the bug reporting channel on our Discord, as we’re constantly monitoring those channels.

Check out the full patch notes below:

Release Notes


  • New Feature: Factions
  • New Feature: Enemy Select
  • Triage Tent Research cost has been lowered.
  • Triage Tent Rescue Radius has increased.
  • Triage Tent revival speed has increased.
  • Localisation for New Features

Additional Changes

  • Heroless Icon added to save files with the Heroless Hardship applied.
  • Save Files will display ‘Custom’ if saved on a Custom Difficulty.
  • Updated Triage Tent Tutorial to include Hero Revival information.
  • Updated Vizargo’s Veils Claw Description to more accurately depict the ability.
  • Updated UI hoverbox text for the Training Hall and Siege Factory.
  • Updated the + & – UI in the Resources panel to have a disabled state.
  • Updated the Unlimited Frame Rate option in the Settings menu to be located after 120 FPS.
  • Updated Credits to include T17 QA and Volmi Games.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when pressing ‘F2’ during the loading screen.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after conquering a Point of Interest.

Fixes & Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the game thinks shift is being held and tries to just queue all of your movements.
  • Fixed an issue where Units could not path correctly around Catapults.
  • Fixed an issue where Attack-Move would not register when clicking on impassable terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would not focus on a selected Building until you close the popup.
  • Fixed an issue where the title would freeze when pressing F1 or F2.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis’ guards would not attack enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where Aelis’ guards would jitter after an attack-command move.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo’s Impaling Wrath ability would not activate.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a delay in Vizargo responding to move commands.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo’s range for Impaling Wrath remains when selecting a Unit after the skill has been selected.
  • Fixed an issue where Bursters were dealing damage outside their AOE radius.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies weren’t being agroed.
  • Fixed an issue where Buildings would need to be double clicked to be selected.
  • Fixed an issue where Units would be Ejected from Towers.
  • Fixed an issue where if trying to build walls on impassable terrain the walls are built on a different area of the map.
  • Fixed an issue where once the Hero has Respawned at a Triage Tent every death afterwards causes them to spawn at the same Tent.
  • Fixed an issue where Units queued in the Triage Tent would not be in the correct order.
  • Fixed an issue where when Units are removed from the Triage Tent their countdown timer remains.
  • Fixed an issue where Unit icons would not show when selected.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Vizargo’s Impaling Wrath FX.
  • Fixed an issue where the Triage Tent Radius would appear white.
  • Fixed an issue where the name of the Save File could not be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where Unit icons in the Triage Tent queue are misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where when the UI is Set to 125% The Hardship Icons on the Custom Difficulty screen become smaller.
  • Fixed an issue where the Splash Art does not scale correctly in windowed mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hero Spawn VO was not playing.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect text was appearing in the Emboldened tutorial in Russian.
  • Fixed an issue with text wrapping in the Villagers menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo’s Veiled Coil description was not localised for non-English languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hotkey Overrides text for various buildings was not localised for non-English languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Upkeep text on the Resource hoverbox overlaps the gold icon in German.
  • Fixed an issue where the users could not send through Feedback reports.

Known Issues

A fix for these issues will come in the following Patch Update.

  • Save Files from previous games will not be compatible with this update it is recommended to start a new save file.
  • Several fixes have been made in regards to the units getting stuck. However there may still be edge cases where this is occurring.

Where possible please ensure all drivers are updated to ensure the best and smoothest performance.

We greatly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to let us know about these bugs and crashes you’ve encountered. If you come across any bugs or crashes in the future, please report them to us either through the Steam forums, our Discord server in the ‘bug-reporting’ channel or using the in-game bug reporting tool.

Till next time Protectors of the Light…

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Have a question about the game? We have a handy FAQ we’ve posted on the Steam forums that you can view. If your question hasn’t been answered there, we’ll be doing our best to keep up with questions here, on the forums and our Discord server.

Speaking of which, you can also chat with our team and ask them questions on our official Discord server here!

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